
“Seeking to know, praise and glorify God through our lives and through our service to each other.”

Bloom Baptist Church Worship has one clear goal: to glorify God. Through our worship ministry, we seek to enhance the congregation's knowing and loving of God. We seek to praise and glorify God in spirit and truth, not in any vain or false way. We seek to use our time of worship through song and the message on Sunday mornings as a service to one another, as we ourselves worship God through how we live our lives.

We'd love for you to be a part of the Worship Ministry here at Bloom! If you are interested, we invite you to read the requirements and expectations of those who serve in the Worship Ministry, and fill out an application below. Right now we are seeking:

  • Acoustic Guitar Players
  • Electric Guitar Players
  • Bass Guitar Players
  • Piano/Key Players
  • Drum/Percussion Players
  • Vocals

Even if something you are skilled in is not listed above, please turn in an application! We are always seeking for talented and skilled members for praise band, whatever the instrument.

Praise Team & Band Rehearsal: 12:00pm the first Sunday of every month. Vocal rehearsal at 12:00pm every two weeks. Sound check rehearsals every Sunday morning at 7:45AM and 10:15AM.

Auditions are by appointment.

Contact: Pastor Jules


Requirements and Expectations

Being a member of the praise team or band at Bloom Baptist Church may be a volunteer position, but it is one with a great amount of responsibility behind it. We are to seek to worship the Father in “spirit and in truth” (John 4:23). As a member of the praise team/band, you will also be a leader of the congregation to worshipping the Father in spirit and truth, so we must endeavor to lead well. Due to that, being a member of the Worship Ministry and Bloom Baptist Church comes with a certain set of expectations. Note that these requirements are for praise team and band. Choir will always be open to any who want to participate, though it is recommended that members of Bloom Choir strive to meet the spiritual expectations as well.

Spiritual Expectations

  • Regular Church Attendance
    First and foremost, any current or potential member of Bloom Baptist’s Worship Ministry should be an active member of the church who is in regular attendance in Sunday services. A member of the praise team/band should be a member of the body he or she is serving—attending only for the services in which you are on a praise team or band will not be allowed—if this behavior is observed, he or she may be asked to step down from his or her position in this ministry.  We are to seek the “unity of faith,” as Paul instructs in Ephesians 4, and attending only to sing or play music is a detriment to that.
  • Spiritual Disciplines
    Any member of the Bloom Worship Ministry must be disciplined in the areas of their spiritual life. Members of the Worship Ministry must maintain a healthy and growing love of God, knowledge of Scripture, a focus on the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, all while maintaining a desire to see God alone glorified. Members of the Worship Ministry should be seeking to bear the fruit of the Spirit in their lives, as each one develops towards sanctification and Christ-likeness.
  • Desire For God’s Glory
    For the healthy communal worship of the body, one must maintain a healthy lifestyle of worship beyond our time together on Sunday mornings. Psalm 51:17 says “For the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.” In Romans 12:1 we are instructed, “Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” Worship and praise of the Almighty God is about Him and Him alone, we are to leave ourselves behind, for “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” We are leading the congregation to the throne by being on praise team/band, so let us lead them with humility, so as not to lead them astray.

Musical Expectations

  • Able to Read and/or Follow Basic Music Notation
    Members of the Worship Ministry should be capable of, or at the very least willing to learn, basic musical notation. Members of the worship ministry should be able to identify lower and higher pitches, to read or hear harmony, and for band members, able to read and follow a lead sheet. This is especially important for members of the band—you will not be able to function as a member of the team if you cannot read or follow music.
  • Practice Beyond Sunday Rehearsals
    As mentioned previously, we need to be able to lead others well. Part of that is to remain committed to practicing and preparing for worship even before Sunday morning. Members of the Worship Ministry should be practicing for the upcoming Sunday throughout the week—whether that be a vocal or instrumental part. Sunday morning sound checks are not your primary time to rehearse or learn the music for Sunday. Sacrifice is a part of worship, and that may mean a sacrifice of time throughout the week to prepare well for Sunday.
  • Commitment
    Being involved in the Worship Ministry is much more than just singing or playing music on Sunday. Those who choose to volunteer in the Worship Ministry are committing to give up a sizeable amount of their time. Those who are part of the Worship Ministry, depending on their role, are committing to regularly attend scheduled rehearsals, morning sound checks on Sundays, and being present for all services on the Sundays they are assigned. As a general rule, if you have not given advance notice that you will not be present for a praise team/band rehearsal on Sunday afternoon/evening, or Sunday morning soundcheck, you will not be allowed to participate from the stage on Sunday morning (exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis). Presence and commitment to regular rehearsals is important in making sure one is prepared, but taking the time of preparation beforehand for granted cannot be tolerated or allowed.

Worship Ministry Application & Audition

Before auditioning, any potential member of the Worship Ministry at Bloom Baptist Church must fill out an application. It is a basic questionnaire that will give us a better idea of your experience, character, and personality. Everyone who turns in an application will get an audition, so it is not the deciding factor on whether or not you will be a part of the Worship Ministry here. We encourage as many people as possible to turn in an application and audition!

All auditions are made by appointment upon the completion of an application form. They will involve the preparation of a song from a preselected list, as well as some sight reading/singing (for instrumentalists and vocalists respectively). Pastor Jules will reach out and contact with more information for applicants upon the completion of the application form. 

As this is a volunteer position, you are allowed to drop out of the application and audition process at any time as long as you notify Pastor Jules.

Go to the application here.