“Seeking to know, praise and glorify God through our lives and through our service to each other.”
Bloom Baptist Church Worship has one clear goal: to glorify God. Through our worship ministry, we seek to enhance the congregation's knowing and loving of God. We seek to praise and glorify God in spirit and truth, not in any vain or false way. We seek to use our time of worship through song and the message on Sunday mornings as a service to one another, as we ourselves worship God through how we live our lives.
We'd love for you to be a part of the Worship Ministry here at Bloom! If you are interested, we invite you to read the requirements and expectations of those who serve in the Worship Ministry, and fill out an application below. Right now we are seeking:
- Acoustic Guitar Players
- Electric Guitar Players
- Bass Guitar Players
- Piano/Key Players
- Drum/Percussion Players
- Vocals
Even if something you are skilled in is not listed above, please turn in an application! We are always seeking for talented and skilled members for praise band, whatever the instrument.
Praise Team & Band Rehearsal: 12:00pm the first Sunday of every month. Vocal rehearsal at 12:00pm every two weeks. Sound check rehearsals every Sunday morning at 7:45AM and 10:15AM.
Auditions are by appointment.
Contact: Pastor Jules